Edward Esko – Macrobiotic Education and Counseling
Edward Esko has lectured on macrobiotics, holistic health, and planetary ecology around the world. Contact him: 3399 Main Street, Becket, MA 01223
(413) 623-5645; [email protected]
Macrobiotic Natural Foods Cooking in the Central CT area. Classes: Private – Group – Beginning – Specialty. Learn to cook using whole grains, beans, tofu, tempeh, a variety of vegetables, fruits and desserts – all meatless, sugarless, dairy free, chemical and preservative free. This is an important alternative for people seeking to make changes in their lives.
(860) 829-2105
Macrobiotic education with Alex and Gale Jack: Counseling, Home Remedies, Nine Star Ki, Tutorials by Phone. (413) 623-0012 or [email protected]
John Kozinski offers “Vital Health Macrobiotic Diet and Lifestyle” counseling, provides lectures and seminars based on his studies in “Traditions of Health and Longevity”, and teaches the techniques of acupressure and energy exercise (Qigong).
Bill Spear is a macrobiotic counselor, author, and a recognized authority on health and environmental issues, feng shui, natural architecture and community planning. His non-profit, Fortunate Blessings Foundation conducts and sponsors classes, conferences, and projects facilitated or taught by Bill and other staff members in the US and internationally.
Meg Wolff – life in balance … becoming whole
“I’m a very healthy, two-time survivor of cancer – bone and then breast cancer. My site provides a wealth of information about the connection between diet and a healthy life, about macrobiotics … and much more.”